Mainline News Hour: Mutual aid in ATL with Sol Underground

This week, Mainline reporter and editor Aja Arnold returns behind the back to present a special conversation with organizer Sunny of mutual aid effort Sol Underground, the self-described “Black-led autonomous anti-fascist anti-capitalist eco-system fighting for Black and Indigenous liberation” based in Atlanta. In this special discussion, recorded on Nov. 11, 2021, in a hotel in downtown Atlanta during a temporary shelter stay organized by Sol for local houseless citizens. The episode airs as temperatures continue to drop as our communities go through another winter, and community resources are strapped in the nonprofit industrial complex, public-private partnerships, and red tape—leaving numerous gaps for mutual aid efforts to fill to provide resources to people when they need them.

Aja also provides a brief recap and update of the ongoing resistance to #StopCopCity. To learn more from our backlog of coverage concerning the city’s plans to build a massive police training facility in the South River Forest, visit our website:

To learn more about Sol Underground, visit their Instagram profile:

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